Book A Session

Hall of Records

Below is a copy of an interview that I did with Trish and Rob MacGregor on the Mystical Underground Podcast

How Did I Come to This Work?

Patricia Walls

Throughout the years I learned, experienced, and practiced many healing modalities and natural ways of healing and living. During my work with shamanism, I found myself taking people on journeys that evolved to guiding them into the earth for review and healing.  My teacher in that identified herself as the Earth Mother.  She instructed me take people on seven journeys into her caves to retrieve information and to receive healing and downloads of information. 

Some ten years into those journeys she directed me, instead, to a place that she called the Hall of Records. When the Earth Mother first had me take people there, she referred to it as the place of soul resolution.

Over the course of my working with people I have taken hundreds to this place called the Hall of Records.  Knowing that the Universe doesn't give these ways of healing to just one person, I searched many times over the years for someone else offering this way and found no one. 

There were references by Edgar Casey of the Hall of Records located beneath the Sphinx in Cairo but nothing more than the mention.  I have been there, the Giza complex, and had no particular feelings when we had private access to the Sphinx.  Where I did have a feeling of connection was in the temple of Osiris at Karnack in Luxor called 'the seven Osirian doorways'.  I asked someone to capture my image there with the Osirian doorways.  That is the image here.  In standing before that magical door of 7 doorways, it felt as though I was walking through seven dimensional portals at once.  

Many times, over the years of working with the Hall of Records I was instructed to write a book of my experiences.  I didn't follow those directions until 2023.  That book is offered on Amazon.  Shortly after I published the book, I was instructed to provide a companion workbook so that people could document their experiences.  That one is also available through Amazon.  See below.

Since writing these two books, I have been counseled to file a trademark on the Hall of Records and also to offer certification courses based on my experience and findings.  There is more about that here.

Hall of Records

Hall of Records Companion Workbook