Certified Practitioners

of the 

Hall of Records


I am so excited to announce that now there are more offering the Hall of Records services 

Certified practitioners of the Hall of Records are individuals who have undergone rigorous training and have been granted permission to take others on the journey of discovery and resolution of their soul records. They are highly skilled and knowledgeable in various fields such as hypnosis, journey work, energy development, mentoring, counseling, and spirituality. These practitioners are dedicated to service of others in their journey of healing and wholeness.   

To become a certified practitioner of the Hall of Records, one must possess a deep understanding and reverence for the ancient knowledge and be committed to upholding its integrity.

Certified practitioners of the Hall of Records are not only scholars and researchers, but they are also spiritual seekers. They understand the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of preserving and honoring our soul history. Their work is not just about uncovering facts, but also about resolving and gaining a deeper understanding of our place in the universe according to the Laws of Free Will.

In a world where information is constantly changing and evolving, the Hall of Records and its certified practitioners serve as a reminder of the timeless wisdom and knowledge that has been passed down through the ages. They are the guardians of our past, present, and future, and their dedication to their craft is truly admirable.

The amazingly, gifted beings below have successfully completed the required training to offer Hall of Records services to others. 

Charlotte Warn

Hall of Records Practitioner

Intuitive Reader, Wellness, Life Coach and more!

Transforming Your Dreams into Reality…

Charlotte Warn, the visionary behind Aroma Oracles and Sacred Sight Journeys, LLC, is the torchbearer of a lineage steeped in spiritual healing traditions. With a rich tapestry of over three decades in the healing arts, she continues to honor the legacy of her late father, who was a renowned psychic surgeon. Her unwavering commitment lies in guiding individuals towards self-transformation, awakening their intuitive wisdom, and leading profoundly fulfilling lives.

In 1990, Charlotte embarked on her holistic journey by attending massage school, a pivotal moment that opened the doors to her exploration of the wellness realm. Her intuitive gifts flourished amidst the breathtaking red rocks of Sedona, Arizona, where she settled in 1992. Since then, she's been an ardent student of self-wisdom and personal expansion.

Throughout her journey, Charlotte has acquired numerous certifications across a diverse spectrum of modalities. These skills enable her to craft tailored and distinctive healing experiences for everyone she assists.

Beyond her mastery of healing modalities, Charlotte also conducts captivating workshops, offers transformative life coaching, and orchestrates expansive retreats on both national and international stages.  

Charlotte's core belief centers on the idea that everyone possesses a soul's purpose. Her passion lies in empowering individuals to design and manifest lives in perfect harmony with their unique path, granting them the opportunity to live lives they genuinely adore.

Follow Charlotte

Jessie Reese

Hall of Records Practitioner

Jessie Reese is a Sarasota native and owner and operator of Sarasota Integrated Health and Wellness & Sacred Sight Journeys, LLC. Jessie started at a young age assisting others in releasing stuck energy, emotions and trauma from the body. 

In 2003 Jessie graduated with a degree in sports medicine and Neuromuscular therapy, which started her 20-year journey into alternative medicine and all things health and wellness. She has been certified in many modalities over the years which helps to create a customized healing experience. She has been studying and using Energy medicine, frequency medicine, sound and vibrational therapies in her practice and retreats. Clients often describe the experience as other worldly, expansive and therapeutic. 

Jessie also has a great love for all things plant medicine and uses aromatherapy and the most amazing essential oils, flower essences, homeopathy and is an herbalist at heart with an impressive apothecary. 

Jessie has spent years traveling to sacred lands, building strong connections with her tribes and the land, and getting amazing downloads and healing along the way. She now uses them all to create unique immersions at these high vibrational sites and vortexes, bringing groups of like-mind on adventures connecting them with self, the land, the energy, and creating space for magic and healing on all levels to occur.

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Jennier Esperia

Hall of Records Advanced Practitioner

Jennifer Esperia is an enthusiastic and passionate guide to joy and oneness with self and the universe. She personally has overcome many traumas from her childhood and so much more.

In her "crash course" journey to uncovering her personal "Joy from Within" she picked up many valuable skills and deep wisdom.  One of her most outstanding qualities is her ability and desire to face herself.  This is the scariest, yet bravest thing anyone can do. Jennifer has the unique ability to help others do the same with grace and compassion. 

She is a Master Manifestor, Entrepreneur, provides Light Language Activations and clearings, Channels a group consciousness by the name of Oneness, and so much more. In addition, she is a certified practitioner for The Hall of Records. She lovingly guides and facilitates people in their personal journeys, where they set their own goals for healing and success.

Jennifer Esperia listens to her clients prompts, then follows her divine guidance and intuitive nature making each session a beautiful and unique experience.  

Contact Jennifer HERE